The British Academy for Training and Development offers a training course on information security, records and documents maintenance and security. It is presented to whoever desires to gain enough experience in information systems management, maintaining it for the sake of keeping records and documents.
Information security means maintaining information from being changed or modified by persons ineligible to access it In other words, when anybody hacks or misuses your private data, whether intentionally or unintentionally, this is considered to be violation of data. When a virus infects computers, it either changes or damages your data, which violates data integrity. This kind of violation might also happen when an unauthorized employee changes his salary in the database or salaries, or when an unauthorized user damages a website on the internet … etc. In addition, data integrity means that all changes in data are instantaneous. Thus, if a bank client withdraw or deposit funds, this should appear in his account. Data disruption is not necessarily an act of vandalism, where a software error may lead to that. That is why it is very important to acquire enough experience in Information Security Management.
Shipping documents, or so-called Documentary Credits, are of great importance as they are used in foreign trade financing operations. In our time, it represents the framework that is accepted by all parties involved in the field of international trade in a way that serves the interests of all these parties from exporters and importers, As for the exporter, he has the guarantee by documentary credit that he will collect the value of the goods that he has contracted to export as soon as the documents of shipment of the goods are submitted to the bank which he may feel the receipt of the credit. The importer also guarantees that the bank which opens the credit will not pay the value Imported goods.
Target Category:
How will participants benefit from this course:
After attending the course, participants will acquire/recognize the following:
Note / Price varies according to the selected city
A training course in the modern preventive measures of information and documents security